30 September 2006

Dead Blog?

Due to a lack of a camera phone in one piece, I haven't got much to share.

I suppose that I could tell you that Freshers has finished and that it went well and that I am currently happy and hungover.

I could tell you how fascinating medical school is, but it's not and I'm hardly ever there anyway.

I could tell you how exciting the boat ball last night was, but I'm not convinced that I remember all that much of it.

Let me get back to you.


Anonymous said...

Yes Renal - I saw the photos from the ball, and one question is "I thought you were staying away from the ones I am interested in?!"


Merys said...

And Renal, when you do get a new phone, will you please get my number off your housemate and get back to me?

Renal said...

Piss off Carl. Talk later.

Anonymous said...

Hello Mr Renal,

I am watching you. Literally. Right now. I can almost smell you.
