14 November 2006

Off Topic

In a change from previous posts, I'm not going to be talking shop.

I've been having serious discussions about our christmas show. You would have thought that, with roughly a month to go, a script would be written, a cast would have been auditioned, equipment hire ordered and that rehearsals would be well under way. Especially with the director's wish that this be a more professional production.

What do you reckon?

The script at the moment consists of two pages.

rehearsals are going ahead this week (get involved!) without any script.

Nobody, least of all me, has any idea what kit I'll need to hire in.

So, it's going to be a bit of a rush job just like last year then.


I'm not sure why I care, my job is solely to advise on technical matters, hire in the appropriate kit and operate the sound and light for the final few rehearsals and the show nights.

I like to think of myself as hardcore drama, I've worked on every show bar one since I joined uni. And the one I didn't work directly on, I supervised from a distance. I care about drama and I would love to see it do well and I worry when it looks like it might not.

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